Monday, November 22, 2010

Sim City Cam Not Showing

Vesper Martini

Ingredients and preparation

4.5 cl. Gordon's gin
1.5 cl. Vodka
0.75 cl. Kina Lillet (now Lillet Blanc)

Pour ingredients into shaker, shake and filter decision with the strainer in a cocktail pre-cooled, complete with an elegant twist of lemon or a squeeze of lemon peel to extract a small amount of essential oils.


The recipe of this cocktail was inserted by the writer Ian Fleming in the novel "Casino Royale" in 1953 and now more than ever after the release of the film in cinemas Bondiana series. Amendment to the obligatory drink is now made to the market exit Kina Lillet Lillet Blanc replaced by the recipe, here are the words of the secret agent who approached at the bar with the security of the person who knows what he wants to order the barman "'A dry Martini,' he said. 'One. In a deep champagne goblet. Oui, monsieur. Just a moment. Three Measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it's ice-cold, then add a large slice of lemon-peel. Got it? 'Charter 7 Casino Royale by Ian Fleming.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hire Camera Crew In Israel

Hurricane cocktail

Ingredients and preparation

6 cl.
dark rum 6 cl.
light rum 6 cl. passion fruit juice (passion fruit juice)
3 cl.
orange juice 1.5 cl.
lime juice 1 cl.
sugar syrup 1 cl.

grenadine syrup Pour all ingredients in a shaker with ice, shake for a few seconds and strain into a glass or similar after Hurricane filled with ice. Garnish the drink with a cherry and orange slice.


Is it really a hurricane, this cocktail will discover it only after tasting it, surely we are talking about a historical long drink that originated in New Orleans during the Second World War . At that time, whiskey, widely used in mixing, was scarce and manufacturers of alcoholic beverages imposed, venue owners, the purchase of many cases of rum in order to have a few bottles of whiskey in return. The same thing also happened at the club where he worked on an Irish barman Pat O 'Brien who had to strive to dispose of substantial stocks of rum in stock. He decided to create new mixed-based rum, including the Hurricane and soon picked up the consent of its customers initially drawn dall'invitante dall'arrembante color and name but then more and more convinced of its pleasantness.
The Pat O 'Brien's Bar is still open and can be found in Peter Street in New Orleans, a neighborhood full of historic places, where you can be overwhelmed by the more original of the Hurricane.